Nutrition/ FAQ

What is in Jiva’s Coffee cube?

Jiva Coffee Cubes are made of 100% Colombian Arabica coffee beans and the unbleached, minimally processed Panela brown sugar. Nothing more, nothing less.

What’s so special about Colombian Coffee?

Colombian Coffee beans are world famous for its smooth, non-acidic taste. Because of Colombian climate, the altitude of the mountains the coffee is grown on and the purity of the soil allow for carefully crafted plants and seeds. There is also special care and attention paid to every aspect of the crops from its growth stages to its roasting.

Unlike other companies that dilute or mix their coffee beans to fill demand, Jiva Coffee beans are NEVER diluted, mixed or altered in any way. We are committed to using Colombian coffee beans and helping support the small farmers we purchase our coffee and Panela from.

So what’s this Panela stuff?

Panela is a form of brown sugar that is used internationally. In South America the sugar goes by Rapadura, Panela, Chancaca, Piloncillo and in India and Asia they call it Jaggery and Gur. Panela can be considered a whole sweetener because it preserves most of the compounds present in sugar cane juice, and it’ s expected that its nutritional value is higher than that of refined sugar.

To learn more about Panela sugar visit our Blog.

How do I make a cup of coffee?

Jiva Coffee Cubes are incredibly easy to use. The cubes come in individual packages that ensure their individual freshness and allow the consumer to take coffee with them anywhere, anytime. Just take a 6-8 Oz cup of hot milk or water and drop a cube or two in, depending on your prefered coffee strength. Wait about 30 seconds and stir. Enjoy!

Jiva coffee cubes can also be made cold for delicious Iced Coffee! Like the hot preparation instructions, take a 8 Oz cup of cold water or milk and drop 2-3 cubes.

*Note- Cold drinks tend to require an extra cube for the same bold flavor.

“I am sensitive about the sugar I have, what can I expect from Panela?

When in doubt we always recommend you consult your physician about any sugars you are concerned about especially if you have particular food sensitivities. It is the only sugar where the sugar stream is not separated from the molasses which gives it a mild, caramel-like flavor that is superb for baking and sweetening foods and drinks. Panela contains more iron and important mineral salts: 2.8 grams per 100 grams, that is to say 28 grams per kilogram, while only 300 milligrams per kilogram is found in refined sugar.

Will you be releasing new flavors?

We currently have 5 flavors shelved that we will be releasing as we further establish ourselves. Those flavors are; Cinnamon, Lemon, Sambuca, Ammaretto, and Brandy. We are always open to suggestions for flavors and maybe someday we’ll make them all. Although we can’t promise to make any particular suggestion we love to try new things, so please keep sending us your ideas and we will definitely let you know if your suggestion makes the cut!

Do you sell Jiva internationally?

Yes, we sell Jiva in all amounts internationally. The shipping price would depend on the amount (weight) and destination. Please send us an email at [email protected] with your address for a custom shipping quote.

Do you sell Jiva Cubes at Wholesale amounts/prices?

We are just beginning to sell Jiva to supermarkets and food brokerages internationally and we welcome discounts on bulk orders of almost any quantity. Please send us an email at [email protected] with the amount of boxes you are interested in and the destination port so that we can better assist you with your inquiry.